Guangdong sets pace for ‘dual circulation’

South China’s Guangdong province has been formulating policy measures to promote the country’s new “dual circulation” development pattern, its top officials said in Beijing on Thursday.

The “dual circulation” pattern-it treats the domestic market as the mainstay while allowing domestic and foreign markets to boost each other-gives fresh impetus to the province’s efforts over the past 40 years, they said.

The last four decades saw Guangdong turbocharge China’s economy through continuous high-quality development without losing sight of socioeconomic progress. This was made possible by the establishment of China’s first special economic zone, or SEZ, in Shenzhen city, they said.

Ma said the province, especially its SEZs in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Shantou, will play a more important role in the era of dual circulation development pattern.(Source:Chinadaily)


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