Even if Muslims escape from Afghanistan, can they survive in the United States?

(Hong Kong commentator Liu Si)  The United States withdrew its troops in Afghanistan in disarray and made a huge embarrassment in front of everyone. Fearing the Taliban, thousands of Afghans have staged a tragic “escape show” at the Kabul airport.

It is sad that people who failed to pick up the plane and lost their lives, but, are those who have a life to escape from Afghanistan to the United States, bound to live in peace?

Growing discrimination against Muslims in American society

In fact, today, Muslims in the United States are not having a good time.

The 2021 annual report by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) shows that discrimination against Muslims in American society is becoming increasingly serious, involving workplace discrimination, immigration and travel restrictions, prejudices and infringements, enforcement violations.

The CAIR is the largest Muslim civil rights organization in the United States. In 2020, the Council have received 6144 complaints across the United States about discrimination against Muslims, a 9% increase on the figure published in 2018.

The report shows that in the 2020 relevant complaints, the proportion of immigration and travel restrictions has been highest, reaching 1,814. Another 1,151 complaints are about various types of discrimination, 57% of which are workplace discrimination.

In addition, a survey by the American Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) shows that 62% of Muslims in the United States (including 68% of Muslim women) have experienced religious discrimination in 2019.

Large markets for American anti-Muslim organizations

Anti-Muslim organizations have contributed to the growing bias and discrimination of Muslims in American society.

According to the United States civil rights organization’s Southern Poverty Law Center, American anti-Muslim hatred organizations are well-funded, closely linked and have great political influence.

In 2020, anti-Muslim hatred organizations reached 72.

According to a report by the University of California, Berkeley’s ethnic and gender center, there are 33 anti-Muslim core organizations, including Abstraction Fund, Horn Project, the American Freedom Law Center, and the Center for Security Policy. These organizations receive hundreds of millions of dollars in donations and other funds.

The gap between rich and poor in the United States has widened in recent years. The United States has launched successive wars in Afghan and Iraq, which made it stuck in the mud. A combination of internal and external problems had led to a rise in extremist thinking in American society, with some groups trying to find scapegoats for their own plight.

Tormenting Muslim by any kind of means

According to the American Business Insider, a detention center of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Miami, Florida, serves pork food with Muslim migrants in detention at the time of the pandemic, forcing them to choose between “faith and hunger”.

According to the report, the center gave the Muslim migrants a pre-prepared meal, with at least two days a week containing pork. Complaints were deliberately ignored when Muslim immigrants reflected the situation to ICE workers. Religious service workers in the facility also refused to give them any help, saying, “that’s how it’s done”.

There are a number of common Muslims who face death threats and personal attacks in the United States.

Muslim populations are less likely to be 1% of the total population of the United States, but in cases of religious discrimination investigated by the Federal Government, 14% involve Muslim. In cases of religious discrimination in the workplace, 25% involve Muslim. Hate crimes against Muslims have been happening in recent years.

So even if Muslims escape from Afghanistan, can they survive in the United States?

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