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Los Angeles
Monday, April 29, 2024

China’s digital powerhouse Shenzhen stands at...

A hoarding in 2018 celebrating the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up in Deng Xiaoping Portrait Square, Shenzhen. Photo: Sam Tsang One of Grace Miao’s fav...

Tourism is heating up in Guangdong

Tourism is heating up in Guangdong as the province is offering more and more incentives to both tourist attractions and travelers. 10 million RMB tourism subsidies and more offered for travelers to Gu...

Guangdong sets pace for ‘dual circulati...

South China's Guangdong province has been formulating policy measures to promote the country's new "dual circulation" development pattern, its top officials said in Beijing on Thursday. The "dual c...

The 2020 Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Coope...

On September 18th, the 2020 Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation Executive Chiefs Joint Meeting was held in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province with the theme of "sharing the opportunities of t...

Guangdong’s foreign trade has been grow...

Foreign trade in south China's Guangdong Province increased 3.5 percent year-on-year to 653.25 billion yuan (about 96.5 billion U.S. dollars) in August, customs statistics show.Exports totaled 419.53 ...


將選全長110公里廣州東站至深圳香蜜湖東方案 未來有望接通九龍 香港文匯報訊(記者 敖敏輝 廣州報道)由中國工程院牽頭組織開展的《粵港澳大灣區高速磁懸浮鐵路預可行性研究》重大課題有了最新進展。16日,中國工程院院士、中國工程院副院長何華武在上海舉行的「創新與新興產業發展國際會議」現代交通工程技術與產業專題會上表示,當前中國時速600公里高速磁浮列車已進行的選線方案研究共有兩條,分別是滬杭...


海关总署广东分署16日发布数据显示,广东8月进出口6532.5亿元,增长3.5%,已连续3个月实现正增长,外贸更“稳”了。 “稳”的同时,亮点不少:跨境电商单月增长1.5倍、民营企业进出口规模全国第一、对美国进出口增长23.4%、纺织制品(含口罩)出口增长1.95倍、进口猪肉增长1.4倍……   广东民企进出口占全国比重超25% “受疫情影响,我们转产出口免洗手消毒凝胶,...

The next edition will take place on 13th Dece...

Organised by the Chinese Athletic Association in Guangzhou.The organisers offer both a half marathon and a marathon with the combined races attracting of 30,000 particioants.

Huawei tops China top 500 private firms list

Shenzhen-based company Huawei has retained the top spot on the top 500 Chinese private companies list this year, with a revenue of 858.83 billion yuan (US$125.64 billion), Shenzhen Special Zone Daily ...

Pechanga Resort Casino Wish Everyone A Healt...

Win A Share of Our $100,000 Giveaways Join us at Pechanga Resort Casino in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival with our $50,000 Harvest Moon Drawing on Saturday, September 26. There will be...